Apple reportedly files lawsuit to stop upcoming indie film.

San Francisco: Apple is reportedly seeking to halt the distribution of an action-comedy film titled 'Apple Man', fearing consumers may believe the film is associated with the Cupertino-based tech giant.

In 2020, Ukrainian film director Vasyl Moskalenko wrapped up a successful Kickstarter campaign for his indie action-comedy movie, reports AppleInsider.

The film centres around a superhero who has the power to levitate apples -- the fruit, the report said.

Now, as the film enters post-production, Apple has begun the process of shutting down the world's first healthy lifestyle superhero film before it ever reaches consumers, it added.

According to the film's creator, Apple has filed a 467-page lawsuit against him, stating that consumers may believe 'Apple Man' is "associated with, or approved, endorsed, or provided by Apple".

Moskalenko noted that his movie has been approved by the US Patent and Trademark Office.

Apple is now attempting to have the trademark registration application denied.

As per the report, Apple has a history of stepping in when it believes its trademarks are being infringed upon.

For example, in 2017, Apple sued Swiss watch conglomerate Swatch for emblazoning "Tick different" on specific watch models, a phrase Apple claimed is a play on its 1990s "Think Different" ad campaign.


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